The Aikenhead Centre for Medical Discovery (ACMD) is delighted to announce the appointment of experienced Medtech commercialisation senior executive Mr Jeff Malone as the new Chief Executive Officer, effective from Monday 3rd February 2025.

Above: Incoming ACMD CEO Jeff Malone
ACMD Chair Ms Brenda Shanahan AO said Jeff was chosen after an extensive and extremely competitive selection process.
“Jeff is an outstanding selection, bringing a wealth of medical device design, manufacturing and healthcare experience to ACMD,” Ms Shanahan said.
“This is an exciting period for the ACMD as we transition into our new building and leap into the next phase of collaborative biomedical engineering to accelerate translation and commercialisation of research.”
Jeff was the CEO of the BioMelbourne Network where he assisted the Victorian healthcare sector to harness opportunities for future growth, leveraging an extensive national and international network spanning Australia, USA, South America, Thailand, China, and Indonesia.
Jeff holds a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering from St Louis University, USA and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
“The ACMD is a unique organisation entering an exciting growth period, and I am extremely proud to take on this role and work with the team and partners,” Jeff said.
“The move into the new building in 2025 will create world-class facilities enabling innovative research translation and cross institute collaboration to engineer the future of healthcare.”
The ACMD Board and collaboration partners including St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne, The University of Melbourne, St Vincent’s Institute of Medical Research, Bionics Institute, Australian Catholic University, Centre for Eye Research Australia, RMIT University and Swinburne University of Technology would like to thank Andrew Batty for his contributions and leadership as interim CEO during this transition period and we look forward to building on the foundations of current initiatives and activities.