The Aikenhead Centre for Medical Discovery (ACMD) is a collaborative biomedical engineering centre accelerating the translation and commercialisation of research. This includes the delivery of much-needed, cutting-edge medical and healthcare solutions with a focus on medtech, biotech and digital health.
The ACMD brings together clinicians, major universities, leading research institutions, and innovative healthcare companies to develop novel technologies and drive the health system’s transformation through research, collaboration and education.
The ACMD is co-located at St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne, expanding opportunities for clinician-led research. State-of-the-art equipment, laboratories and facilities combined with strong affiliations with universities foster a thriving biomedical engineering ecosystem.
To maximise every individual’s ability to live their healthiest life and develop a more equitable and cost-effective health system.
The ACMD will transform the future of healthcare with innovative biomedical engineering and cost-effective solutions to create a more equitable health system. We will do this through cross-sector collaboration within multidisciplinary expertise areas and by providing a physical environment that supports a flourishing ecosystem.

The ACMD has created a number of Research Translation Programs to drive the identification and commercialisation of projects in a diverse and collaborative workspace.

ACMD Partner Projects use the ACMD to develop and demonstrate scientific and engineering solutions within a clinical and regulatory environment.

Through our Research Translation Programs, we collaborate with healthcare companies and practitioners to develop strategies for commercialisation and implementation.

The ACMD is preparing the next generation of leaders in health, through teaching and training focused on multidisciplinary skills development.
“The key point of difference of the ACMD is its collaborative, structured approach to innovation. The unique model assists the 100+ research projects being undertaken by our partners to move through the development pathways successfully into their first human trials, and smoothly to implementation.”

Our new state-of-the-art biomedical engineering centre, on the corner of Nicholson Street and Victoria Parade, is a $206 million capital project.
The ACMD has been brought to life by $90m funding from the Victorian and Commonwealth governments, $86 million from the ACMD partners, and generous philanthropic contributions.
To fully realise our ambition for the ACMD and resource it to succeed, we need $40 million.
To discuss funding and name recognition opportunities at the ACMD, please reach out to our Capital Campaign Director.