ACMD Challenge is our seminar and workshop series designed to uncover unmet clinical needs and identify critical teams to advance projects.
We focus on fostering multidisciplinary collaborations, enhancing clinician-researcher engagement, and raising the profile of medtech, biotech and digital health opportunities in Victoria.
ACMD Challenge is our seminar and workshop series designed to uncover unmet clinical needs and identify critical teams to advance projects.
- Create multidisciplinary collaborations
- Improve engagement between clinicians and researchers
- Identify project champions for medtech, biotech and digital health
- Increase medtech, biotech and digital health opportunities
- Create a portfolio of targeted investment opportunities
The online Challenge Seminars help set the scene and feature keynote speakers from different perspectives on the clinical problem. Speakers provide context from a clinical, engineering or consumer experience. Topics cover key areas where an unmet clinical need could potentially be addressed by a biomedical engineering research project.
Following the seminar, there is an in-person workshop with a set of Challenge questions. These are discussed in breakout groups during the workshop – one group per Challenge question. The questions are structured and designed to be open in nature; to explore new ways to address the issue. The aim of the workshop is not to solve the problem in one day, but to explore promising ideas. A facilitator will guide the discussion to workshop solutions to the question and identify a Project Champion and team.
After the workshop, the goal of ACMD Advance is to discuss the most promising ideas and provide assistance to advance the concept to become a collaborative project. The ACMD team performs a feasibility check on the ideas with field experts and a series of follow-on sessions.
The Aikenhead Centre for Medical Discovery Challenge Program acknowledges the support of Safer Care Victoria and the Australian Medtech Manufacturing Centre. This Victorian Government partnership brings together health and industry stakeholders from across the ecosystem to co-design solutions to frontline healthcare challenges, and grow clinician-led innovation that stimulates local manufacturing, and industry innovation.